About Us

Information Security Education.

The 304 Geeks is a West Virginia based 501c3 Non-Profit that promotes Information Security awareness and education to the Infosec community, the business community and the public in general.  

304 Geeks conducts an annual Infosec conference called SecureWV to fulfill the primary objectives of awareness and education.  This conference is one of the larger regional conferences, that attracts nationally known Infosec leaders to teach and speak about advanced Information security topics. The 304 Geeks publish a monthly newsletter that highlights local Infosec news and current trends in Infosec. With PND Research and Charleston LUG, 304 Geeks contributes to continuing education classes on a wide variety of IT and InfoSec topics.


The 304 Geeks partner with other regional nonprofits to support their educational efforts, the Appalachian Institute for Digital Evidence (AIDE), Infragard, and the Charleston area CTO group. Partnerships also have been formed with local universities to help promote Infosec careers and support their CCTC teams,  Marshall University, The University of Charleston, West Virginia University, and Bethany College. The members of the 304 Geeks have presented and taught at several regional businesses and organizations about Infosec topics including, The WVU School of Law, The WV Trial Lawyers Association, The Kanawha County Bar, The WV DEP, and several local businesses.

Board Members